
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Vacation from our Vacation

<WARNING> Real feelings ahead. Proceed with caution. </WARNING> When you try the cruising lifestyle, you're going to come across a lot of people who tell you what to do. (Particularly old white men who see their power waning as their bodies slowly decay into a puddle of clogged arteries and bushy ear hair.) They tell you "go to this marina" or "check out this bar" and proceed to bore you with fifteen minutes worth of directions you'll never remember and information you could have gotten in five seconds from your phone. (And most of the time you weren't interested in "this marina" or "that bar" in the first place.) They tell you what boat to buy, what equipment to get, what route to take, and when to go home. Those people suck, but they're kind of easy to ignore and make fun of once you've driven your boat away from them. The harder thing to deal with is when people you like tell you what to do when cruising, ...